Bromoco Systems offers a wide range of contracting services that solve remedial maintenance issues related to today’s damaged architectural metal surfaces, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing and restoring stained, pitted and oxidized, anodised aluminum, painted aluminium and stainless steel is the foundation of Bromoco’s business.

Removes Rust Staining

National & International
Applicator Network

Anti-Microbial Coatings
for ALL surfaces

Biodegradable Degreaser

Metal Cladding Restoration

Curtain Walling Restoration

Powder Coating Restoration

Anodised Restoration

Stainless Steel Restoration

Stainless steel Protection

Anti-bacterial Protection

Stainless steel in swimming pools

Copper & Brass Protection

Building Wash and Protect

Bollard Restoration & Protection

Corten Steel Sealer

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